Aryllia's Chosen

The clerics of Aryllia are renowned for celebrating love in all its forms. But when the goddess herself shows her displeasure at those who neglect their responsibilities, it becomes clear that devotion to love is not what defines her chosen. The story follows an ace/aro cleric who has faced prejudice for not conforming to the expectations placed on them. In a world that prizes passion and romance, they struggle to prove their worth. Yet, when Aryllia's wrath falls upon those who have misused their powers, it is the ace/aro cleric who stands as a beacon of true devotion. This novel explores themes of acceptance, duty, and the true meaning of love as it tells the tale of one who is chosen not for their passions, but for their unwavering dedication to the goddess's will.

In a world where the clerics of Aryllia are defined by their devotion to love, one ace/aro cleric stands apart. Shunned for their lack of romantic interest, they prove that the goddess favors those who uphold their duties, not those who are driven by passion.